Critical reflection(Oral presentation)

Last Thursday, my group had a formal presentation on our topic “Implementing intelligent study spaces in SIT@Dover”. I Before the presentation, I was rather uptight and nervous about the presentation as the last time I did a presentation was about 2 years ago. Therefore, to overcome this nervousness, my team gathered together for a group rehearsal before actual presentation day. We comment on our different presentation style and how we can improve on it.

On the day of presentation, I spoke with ease and confidence. With a positive response from the crowd during my introduction allows me calm down on my nervousness and present my idea across fluently. I constantly remain good eye contact and ensure that I had the attention of all my peers as I am presenting. With the full attention given to me, I was presenting with more confidence with every minute pass.

Most of the feedbacks were leaning towards the positive factors which includes speaking confidently, maintaining good eye contact and engaging well with the crowd. However, there are still areas for me to improve on. While I did not notice it myself, I was glad that my classmates highlighted the area of improvement out for me. This included using singlish words and filler words as I transit to next sentence or slide. With more practice, I believe that I am able to get rid of this habits.

In conclusion, there are few main takeaways from this presentation which includes preparing beforehand for presentation to increase self-confidence, maintaining good eye contact and a body posture as well as to improve on my speech. I should avoiding singlish words and the use of filler words. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. I believe that with more practice and presentation during my upcoming semesters, I will be able to perform better.


  1. I appreciate this detailed reflection on your OP, Ronvin. Best of luck as you deliver your next one!


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