Technical Report Draft 1

Introduction/ Background
Over a month into pursuing a degree under SIT as full-time students, our team came to realise that homework in the form of assignments, tests and projects can be overwhelming. The only way to stay ahead of the curriculum while juggling co-curriculum activities is to seize time between lectures/ tutorials and after school for revision.

Doing so has become increasingly difficult due to the current situation in our campus for several reasons.

First and foremost, most courses follow similar academic timetables which means the tests and exams are approximately in the same period. The clash in academic timetable causes an influx in students needing to revise towards the end of the study terms and the start of tests. This makes finding unoccupied study areas during such periods a tedious one.

Secondly, projects are commonly assigned to students for submission in groups. The need to discuss projects in groups makes it a challenge securing study areas with vacancy to accommodate to large numbers of students.

Thirdly, study areas around school are neither given proper naming conventions nor are their locations introduced to first-year students. This significantly limits the number of possible study areas for them.

Lastly, the various study areas are scattered all around the campus thus making it time consuming for students to walk around in search for a place to study. The waste in unnecessary time spent on walking around could have been better used for self study.

The issue with having trouble locating unoccupied study areas among students in SIT can be further supported by the results of our survey. As such, our team is determined to resolve the problem at hand through the implementation of live web video feed that can be accessed by students to remotely check on the crowd situation at the various study areas. In the process, the various study areas will also be identified and allocated respective names by our team to resolve the mentioned problem.

Problem statement
The open study areas in SIT @ Dover should be easily identifiable and convenient for all students to access. However, with the locations of the various open study areas  scattered all around the university and lack of standard naming conventions, students often have to spend unnecessary time walking around the campus in search for vacant seats. With the arising problems, our team’s proposal to implement a mobile monitoring application to view crowd at study areas around the campus will allow ease in reviewing vacancy of seats at the study areas.

Purpose statement
With the problems faced by the students in mind, the objective of the report is to propose to Student Development Center for approval to name the different study areas in SIT and create a mobile viewing application which will enhance productivity of learning sessions as well as provide convenience to all students in SIT@Dover.


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